Sunday 29 March 2009

Saturday 28 March 2009

Alphabet aeroplane.

Alphabet Objects

Just a few snap shots of where im up to on my cardboard alphabet.

3D/personal project

To continue my practice working with 3D i have set myself a project to create 26 objects out of card board one for each letter of the alphabet.

3D test

spot colour

Drug Use

Magic mushrooms are mushrooms that grow in the wild. They produce similar hallucinogenic-type effects to LSD when you eat them.

Some of the effects it has if taken;
They can distort colour, sound and objects. One effect can be that your senses get mixed up so that, for example, you think you can hear colours and you can see sounds, they can also speed up and slow down your sense of time and movement. You may feel like you're dreaming when you're awake.

frank miller

Super heros

Sunday 8 March 2009

Tuesday 3 March 2009